Sole Purpose Foot Care Hosting a Virtual Grand Opening Celebration including Ribbon Cutting with Florence Mayor Diane Whalen
In a time when so many small businesses are closing their doors, heads may turn when a business moves to a new location and expands service offerings. Sole Purpose Foot Care is thrilled to announce their move to a new location of 8140 Dream Street, Suite C in Florence, Kentucky. Not only has Sole Purpose […]
Salt Therapy Booth FAQ
What is Salt Therapy? Also known as Halotherapy, Salt Therapy is a dry salt therapy that utilizes a halogenerator to grind and crush salt into micronized particles that are dispersed into the SALT Booth® via a dry salt aerosol that works to aid respiratory concerns and skin conditions. How does it work? A halogenerator heats […]
Salt Therapy Booth by Sole Purpose Foot Care
What is dry salt therapy? Halotherapy is a dry salt therapy that utilizes a halogenerator to grind and crush salt into micronized particles that are dispersed into the SALT Booth® via a dry salt aerosol that works to aid respiratory concerns and skin conditions. If there is no halogenerator, there is not halotherapy. Learn more […]
2nd Annual Small Business Black Friday Sale!
Sole Purpose Foot Care is proud to be hosting their 2nd annual Black Friday Small Business Sale. Shop in an intimate environment and find unique stocking stuffers and gifts in our gift shop. Pick up a Sole Purpose Foot Care gift card for 20% off. Your loved one’s feet will love you for it! You […]
Sole Purpose Foot Care Black Friday Small Business Expo and Sale
Sole Purpose Foot Care is thankful for everyone’s support of small businesses. We have decided to try to help other small businesses on one of the busiest shopping days of the year. We are hosting our first Black Friday Small Business Expo and Sale November 24th from 10 am to 2pm 20% off all Gift […]
Conquered Nerves
Well I conquered my nerves today and did only my second professional presentation. A good group of people who asked a number of great questions. Congratulations to Mary who won the door prize of a vase of products and a gift card! Please let me know if you have a group of people who would […]
Stepping Outside My Comfort Zone Today
Today is a big day for Sole Purpose Foot Care. I will be giving a presentation at St. Elizabeth Diabetic Center. Sole Purpose Foot Care is the safest place for people who have autoimmune diseases to get their pedicures. We sterilize all tools and we eliminate the risk of bacteria from the whirlpool tub by […]
Psoriasis – Often Confused with Athlete’s Foot
Psoriasis – Often Confused with Athlete’s Foot Psoriasis is often mistaken for Athlete’s Foot by Nail Technicians without specific training. The client with psoriasis can experience itching and peeling of their skin. Psoriasis is a chronic autoimmune disease that mainly affects the skin and nails. The origin of the word psoriasis is Greek and means “to have […]
Treating Hangnails Properly To Prevent Infections
If dry scaly feet aren’t bad enough, we often have to also deal with hangnails. Hangnails can hurt and if not treated and manicured properly can lead to the possibility of infections. What is a hangnail? A hangnail is a piece of skin that separates from the side of the cuticle. What Causes Hangnails? There […]
Hydration Steam Treatment Can Now Be Added To All Athletic and Spa Pedicures. Learn How It Helps Your Feet!
Our new hydration steam treatment is great for all types of feet because it increases your circulation. The steam also promotes better flexibility in the foot and clients say their feet feel less tight. The treatment also helps clients with diabetes or psoriasis and those receiving chemotherapy. How the Hydration Steam Treatment Helps It opens […]
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