Hydration Steam Treatment Can Now Be Added To All Athletic and Spa Pedicures. Learn How It Helps Your Feet!
Our new hydration steam treatment is great for all types of feet because it increases your circulation. The steam also promotes better flexibility in the foot and clients say their feet feel less tight. The treatment also helps clients with diabetes or psoriasis and those receiving chemotherapy.
How the Hydration Steam Treatment Helps
It opens the pores on your foot to allow better penetration of the foot mousse and creams we apply. It allows them to go deeper into the skin to promote hydration – from the inside out rather than creams sitting on the outside of your foot which seals your skin. We don’t want your skin sealed because we need it to be able to breathe. The warmth of the steam is also very comforting.
Helping Clients Who Experience Neuropathy
Hydration Steam Treatment is also especially helpful for diabetic clients and clients who are receiving chemotherapy that are suffering from neuropathy. Clients suffering from neuropathy experience weakness, numbness, and pain from nerve damage, usually in the hands and feet.
Helping Clients With Psoriasis
Clients with psoriasis have skin that sheds much faster than a person without it. It’s why you see the skin layered on top of each other and thicker in most cases. A typical person sheds skin every 21 days but a person with psoriasis will shed their skin every 7-10 days in most cases. When we both exfoliate the skin with Efile and use the steam treatment, it opens our clients pores and allows for better hydration of their feet. We’ve tested this steam treatment with psoriasis clients in the middle of an outbreak and their feet feel much better the next day.
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Dee Dee Harper of Sole Purpose Foot Care helps healthy people and those with health problems get their feet feeling and looking great!
Contact Dee Dee (859-653-2320) to get started today!
About Sole Purpose Foot Care
Dee Dee Harper, MNT, ANT, PMA
Sole Purpose Foot Care, Owned and Operated by Dee Dee Harper, provides a fun, intimate, and inviting atmosphere for your nail services. Dee Dee’s has 20 years of experience in the nail industry and takes pride in providing healthy foot care for all ages and genders. She loves transforming unhealthy feet into a solid building blocks of well being. Dee Dee helps healthy clients and clients who are suffering from health issues. She is currently the only individual in the Tristate area and the entire state of Kentucky to have a Medical Nail Technician (MNT) certification, an Advanced Nail Technician (ANT) certification, and a Podiatry Medical Assistant (PMA) certification. As a medical technician, Dee Dee can perform safe cosmetic pedicures on people who are healthy or chronically ill suffering from controlled diabetes, arthritis, psoriasis, thyroid disease, people taking or that have taken chemotherapy or radiation, and other health issues.
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